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Uniting Church Photo

St Albans Uniting Church, 36 Nancy Avenue
Our new premises.

Good on street parking, comfortable seating.
Helen Murphy
Helen Murphy
Prisoners ' Aid and Rehabilitation Society of Canterbury Inc

President Noni Rush.
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U3A Network Canterbury

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Please make an electronic payment to Kiwibank

St Albans U3A
c 38-9017-0794135-00
Particulars: Your Name
Code and Reference: Phone Number

This link gives us some ways to connect back to you: Join Online.

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Interest Groups

Members will be encouraged to join interest groups. We are continuously looking for opportunities to serve our members by developing new interest groups. Even if they only run for a few months, that can be valuable.

Diana McMurtrie
Diana for Interest Groups

Here is our own list of potential interest groups . All we need are members and leaders. Diana McMurtrie 352-8547, coordinates the interest groups.

If you search other U3A's and examine their activities you will see that the only limit is how many people are interested, and do we have volunteer leaders.

You can volunteer to lead a St Albans U3A interest group here .

Welcome to U3A St Albans

Annual Subscription $25.00 is due now.

U3A St Albans, a / c 38-9017-0794135-00
Particulars: Your Name, Code: "sub 19-20"
and Reference: Phone Number

28 November

Dr Kelvin Lynn , Retired Kidney Specialist, Christchurch Hospital( member): Topic - " My life as a kidney specialist”

Please note that we do have a meeting in January.

23 January 2020

Michael Toothill , General Manager-Kilmarnock Trust.
Kilmarnock Enterprises is a wonderful, very successful charity, a disability service offering opportunity and unlocking potential for its clients.
The first charity in the world to certify as a B Corporation, it proves that making money does not have to negatively impact the ability to do good. Rather, the opposite is proving true.

There will be no January picnic this year but we may arrange one later. Perhaps we should call it a Park Party as there's certainly no need to sit on the ground!

Forward Programme: See the programme page and the interest group page .

Normally, the general meeting starts at 9.45 am on the fourth Thursday of the month, except in December, with time for tea or coffee and a chat with the formal meeting beginning at 10.15 am.

General meetings will be held at St Albans Uniting Church, 36 Nancy Avenue.

Please tell you friends about us. U3A is a wonderful institution and there is excellent support for our activities. You friends will be keen to join.

If you would like to join us NOW, you can apply for Membership here.

You can write to the Secretary, Jenny Neville; here.

Tell Us About Yourself

None of this is necessary, but it will be helpful to the committee and quite likely to yourself, if you have a think about what you need to accomplish, what your skills are, and what you want to get involved in.

For instance do you have a passion you want to share with others? Volunteer to lead an interest group about that .

Do you have a connection with a tertiary institution where we might as a group develop a research interest that involves working with staff and students in a collaborative way. How could we develop that?

Do you know, or know of, interesting future speakers for our Main Meeting