Some Research Options for U3A St Albans

Compiled by John Veitch

Many people engage in research of various kinds. One form is specialist collecting, classifying and naming. Historical research often begins with a family tree, and blossoms into something else. Persistent problems often become research topics. Health problems can become research topics.

Peter Laslett, one of the U3A founding fathers in the UK, spoke of the special opportunity for retired people to study the neglected topic of successful living in the latter part of life. What are the special problems people our age face? Becoming "parents" to young children again? Learning new skills and re-entering the workforce? What health and financial issues concern us?

The Steering Committee have discussed forming a relationship with the University of Otago's Medical School, Christchurch campus, and/or with the University of Canterbury and the Aro Institute of Canterbury. Can we help a student get a PhD, and in the process learn something ourselves? Can our U3A as a group take on an interesting and useful research project involving several people?

Otago Medical School ChCh Campus
Co-operative research project?
Population Health
Successfully Living after 70
University of Canterbury
Natural geography research, plant life, bird life
Fine Arts
Ara Institute of Canterbury
Health and Wellbeing
Education and Technology
Personal Research
Family history
History of some local business or organisation
Personal Health - How to maintain?
Community involvement for Seniors

You might already have something you are working on. If so you could tell us about it here.